
To Carry the Horn A Virginian in Elfland【電子書籍】[ Karen Myers ]





<p><strong>AN ENTIRE KINGDOM BUILT AROUND A SUPERNATURAL NEED FOR JUSTICE, ENFORCED BY THE WILD HUNT AND THE HOUNDS OF HELL.</strong></p> <p>What would you do if you blundered into a strange world, where all around you was the familiar landscape of the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, but the inhabitants were the long-lived fae, and you the only human?</p> <p>George Talbot Traherne stumbles across the murdered huntsman of the Wild Hunt, and is drafted into finding out who did it. Oh, and assigned the task of taking the huntsman's place with the Hounds of Hell, whether he wants the job or not.</p> <p>The antlered god Cernunnos is the sponsor of this kingdom, and he requires its king to conduct the annual hunt for justice in pursuit of an evil criminal, or else lose his right to the kingship, and possibly end up hunted himself.</p> <p>Success is far from guaranteed, and no human has held the post. George discovers his own blood links to the fae king, and he's determined to try. But Cernunnos himself has a personal role to play, and George will have to sort out just why he's the one who's been chosen for the task.</p> <p>And whether he has any chance of surviving the job.</p> <p>Find out what it's like to live in a world where you can help the Right to prevail, even if it might cost you everything.</p> <p><em>To Carry the Horn</em> is the first book of <em>The Hounds of Annwn</em>.</p> <p><strong>Editorial Reviews</strong></p> <p>"Comparisons with other great sci-fi and fantasy writers are inevitable, and I would not hesitate to put this into the same short-list as David Eddings or Robert Jordan." -- <em>Baily's Hunting Directory</em></p> <p>"A blend of hunting and fantasy fiction, and the first entry in The Hounds of Annwn series, <em>To Carry the Horn</em> takes the reader into a world of magic and ancient rivalries where hunting with hounds plays a significant role in life and law. Well-written and finely detailed, this book provides an excellent opportunity for some enjoyable hours of escapism, particularly when read on a chilly winter evening before a cozy fire." -- <em>In and Around Horse Country</em></p> <p>"Myers has constructed a smooth, strong novel, her content well built, characters believable and richly developed. "To Carry The Horn" is well-written and displays a thorough knowledge of foxhunting.'' - <em>Fauquier Times-Democrat</em></p> <p>"Myers takes readers on a fascinating ride into a parallel world where she weaves figures from Welsh mythology into a well-written tale that involves stag hunting, a huntsman’s murder, and a large case of greed and envy." - <em>FoxhuntingLife</em></p> <p>"To Carry The Horn is an intriguing piece of fantasy that paints, through Myers’ artistic eye, a vivid picture of a parallel otherworld where hounds and hunting are an integral part of daily life. A riveting read for anyone with ties to the chase, To Carry The Horn sets the scene for the next stand-alone entry in the extended series, The Ways of Winter. To tell the truth, we can’t wait." - <em>Middleburg Life</em></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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  • 商品価格:559円
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