
JACK'S HANDY LIST OF IDIOMS VOL. 1 # - L or EPUB VOLS. 1 & 2 # - Z【電子書籍】[ Jack Forbes ]





<p><strong>Jack Forbes</strong> has exhibited a profound penchant for ***turning a phrase***in his native English language. You might even say he's ***taken the bull by the horns***in putting English language idioms to work just for you!</p> <p><em><strong>Without further ado</strong></em>, Jack Forbes proudly showcases the most remarkable <strong>English language idioms</strong>, which you most certainly need to fully <em><strong>catch the drift</strong></em> of the English language. For each idiom, Jack paints the canvas with its use in an engaging sentence.</p> <p>Why allow yourself to get <em><strong>behind the eight ball</strong></em> by slowly forgetting the depth and flavor of idioms? And, for ESL readers, why not <em><strong>go hog wild</strong></em> and learn what the heck people are actually talking about in everyday English? <strong>Jack's Handy List of Idioms</strong> with its <strong>meanings</strong> and <strong>examples</strong>, will bring these popular expressions to life for you. So please, <em><strong>get with the flow</strong></em> and learn to speak and understand English to the fullest. Jack's Handy List of Idioms truly does <em><strong>hit the mark</strong></em>!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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